SPSATL 2017 – Tips and Tricks from the Nintex Trenches

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of presenting at the 9th annual SharePoint Saturday event in Atlanta. For those who aren’t familiar, SharePoint Saturday is a community‐focused event dedicated to educating and engaging members of the local SharePoint community. The event is unique in that it is “for the community, by the community” and is free for all who attend.

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Sharing all the goodies and resources that Nintex has to offer! 🙂

This is the third time I have presented and my topic this year focused on Tips and Tricks from the Nintex Trenches. The session primarily focused on Nintex Workflow and Forms for SharePoint on premises, but I also touched on a few of the key differences with regards to the Office 365 version of Nintex Workflow. I also shared some of the great online resources that are available, including the very active and engaging community site, Nintex Connect. Continue reading “SPSATL 2017 – Tips and Tricks from the Nintex Trenches”